Storytelling resources Wisdom Story Writing on Spirituality

Doorways to the Soul: 52 Wisdom Tales from around the World (1998) Pilgrim Press for two printings and now being printed by Wipf & Stock. Winner of the 1998 Storytelling World Honor Award for Anthologies. Go to my Publications page for more information.

An excellent book for ministers, DRE’s and those working with ages 12+.

Elisa is a consultant and author for the Unitarian Universalist Society. She recently co-authored the on-line 16 session story-based curriculum for grades 2-3 called “Moral Tales,” which is part of the Tapestry of Faith curriculum. UUA members can access this curriculum through the UUA website:

For Children

Once Upon a Time: Storytelling to Teach Character and Prevent Bullying. Lessons from 99 multicultural folk tales for grades K-8. (Character Development Group, 2006) Winner of the 2007 Storytelling World Honor Award. Go to my Publications page for more information.

This book is an excellent resource for teachers of religious education. Includes 99 folktales each with follow up activities for grades K-8.